




Art Detour is an invitation to enjoy impromptu excursions or plan a customized “Artinerary” of cultural discovery that defines your life’s style in Arizona through visual, performing, and culinary arts, fashion design, public art, and more. Choose from hundreds of experiences produced by Arizona’s creative community and explore and appreciate all that is beautiful, energizing, compelling, stylish and flavorful.

Sign up

Artlink’s Articipant Program invites artists, arts venues, arts and culture organizations, and arts supporting businesses to register as contributors to our creative culture. This identification of engaged stakeholders speaks to the depth of our talent pool, highlights business interest, and the strength of collaboration.


Join us for the 11th Annual Art d’Core Gala on March 16, a swirling showcase of artistry that presents the full spectrum of Arizona’s creative culture with the theme for 2024: P A N O R A M A. From the stunning visual displays to the exhilarating performances and the culinary delights, you will be completely enveloped in the expanse of art in motion.


Interested in volunteering during Art Detour? Complete our volunteer form, and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch with you about events and opportunities to volunteer with Artlink.


We love our mission of connecting artists, business and community to keep the arts integral to our development. We are stronger together, which makes us all the more grateful for the generosity of donors who support our work. If you too believe a linked community is a stronger one, then we hope you will consider donating to Artlink today.